Unsubscribe Email
Honey may occasionally send you emails for Droplist notifications, account updates, feature announcements, and special offers. If you no longer wish to receive these emails from us, you can customize what emails you'd like to receive or unsubscribe from Honey emails from your Account Settings.
Change Preferences from Account Settings
To access your email preferences, click on your account avatar in the top right corner the browser window on joinhoney.com. Select Settings from the drop-down menu.
Next, select the Notifications tab.
To unsubscribe from a particular type of email, just uncheck the box next to the feature notification type. To unsubscribe from all emails, repeat this for each notification type.
Change Preferences from Honey Emails
To access your email subscriptions from a Honey email, click the Unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each Honey email and follow the steps detailed above.
If you need help unsubscribing emails from your account, reach out to us.
Note: Unsubscribing will not affect your ability to receive gift cards or messages from our Member Experience team.