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With support for over 30,000+ shopping sites, Honey helps you search for savings at popular stores all across the internet. If your favorite site is already supported, you will see our orange h logo along with the number of available coupons in the upper right corner of the browser if you have Honey for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Edge.

On Safari, the Honey extension will show the Honey logo (note: the h is grey) and the number of coupons available to the left of the toolbar while on a supported site.

Don't see your favorite site? Email us with the name of the site and a link, and we’ll look into adding it.

What if I want to partner with Honey? 

Honey works diligently to connect merchants with our members.  If you're a brand interested in working with Honey, please fill out this form.

If you need any additional assistance with this process or have any questions, please contact our Partnerships Team. We usually respond within 72 hours.

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