Uninstall the Honey browser extension
We’re sorry to hear you want to uninstall Honey. We're always open to positive and constructive feedback and would appreciate any insights you can provide.
The steps to remove the Honey browser extension depend on which browser you're using and the device. Select your browser and device below for instructions on uninstalling Honey:
Chrome on Mac
Chrome on Windows
- Click on the three dots icon to the right of your toolbar
- Click More tools
- Click Extensions
- Click Remove under Honey
- Click Remove again
Firefox on Mac
Firefox on Windows
- Click the three lines icon to the right of your toolbar
- Click Add-ons
- Click Remove in the Honey section
Opera on Mac
Opera on Windows
- Click the Extensions box to the lower left side on your screen
- Click the X button on the top right corner of the Honey section
- Click Ok
Safari on Mac
The following instructions are for Mac OS 10.14.4 and above. If you're unsure of your Mac OS, here is how you can check.
- The Applications folder will pop up. Drag the Honey icon to your Trash Can icon
Verify you'd like Honey moved to the Trash using your User Name and Password for your device
If you are using Mac OS below 10.14.4, use the instructions below to uninstall Honey for your Safari browser.