Honey Deal Comparison

Let Honey do the comparison shopping for you. We round up prices from different sellers, potential savings opportunities, available rewards, and more insights all in one place for products you’re interested in. We’ll also recommend buying options based on potential savings and available PayPal Rewards. That way, you can decide which buying option is best for you.

What is the Honey Top Pick and how do you choose it? 

We consider seller price, potential coupon savings, and chances to earn PayPal Rewards points, and recommend the lowest effective price after using Honey.

While our recommendation is based on the lowest effective price, there may be other buying options that work better for you.

How is the price With Honey calculated?

Your price With Honey is based on the item’s amount after earning PayPal Rewards points - rewards you can redeem for cash or other options.


Seller Price = $89.99

PayPal Rewards points: 1,599 pts ($15.99 cash redemption value)

Price With Honey: $74.00

How do I use it and where can I find it?

Honey’s Real Deal comparison is available for products around the web. Search for an item on joinhoney.com or shop directly on the store site.

When shopping on the store site, look for a price comparison alert from Honey Tips that will link to the full comparison on joinhoney.com. 

Where do you check prices?

We compare stores from all over the web, especially major retailers and other popular merchants that we trust. However, there may be some options out there that we didn’t pick up. 

Why isn't the Honey Deal Comparison available for all products?

We’re working hard to support more stores and product categories. Stay tuned!

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