Droplist on our Mobile App

Not ready to buy yet? Add an item to Droplist, and we’ll alert you when the store drops its price below the amount you choose. You can watch an item for 30, 60, 90, or 120 days. Currently, the Droplist feature is only available for US members in our mobile app. 

Once you sign in to your account on the Honey app, items that you’ve added to Droplist from the Honey extension will automatically sync. If you enable alerts, we’ll send you a push notification when we detect a price drop at the store for the item in your Droplist. We’ll even remind you when an item is about to expire so you can continue to track it.

Droplist tags allow you to easily organize items you want to watch for price drops however you want. Planning a summer vacation to Cancun? Stash all the items you need under a #cancun tag and easily filter to just those items from the Droplist section of the app!

You can view your Droplist by tapping the Droplist icon on the bottom of your app screen.

How to Droplist items you are interested in:

1. See an item you want to keep your eye on? You can add an item to your Droplist by tapping the Droplist icon while viewing the product.

2. Then, you can choose your Options for that item to fit your style (like color, edition, size, etc) and how long you'd like to watch that item.

Does that item not vibe with any of your current Droplist Collections? Start a new Collection by choosing Create

Remember to enable alerts. That way, we can send you a push notification when we detect a price drop at the store for an item in your Droplist. Trust us, you won’t want to meet these deals.

How to remove items from your Droplist:

1. Once you’re on the Droplist page in our mobile app, just click the three dots next to the item you’d like to delete. 

2. Choose Remove from Droplist and that’s it. That item will no longer appear on your Droplist, and you'll no longer get any notifications about price drops for that item.

You can also update your notification settings at any time by going to your Profile > Settings > Notifications and un-checking the notifications you no longer want to receive.

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