What is Droplist?

Droplist is Honey's price tracking tool. Not ready to buy an item? Add it to Droplist, and we’ll alert you when we detect that the item’s price drops below the amount you choose. Droplist is currently available to US and international members. Our team is always looking to bring this feature to more international sites. So, stay tuned for updates.

Droplist monitors the price of items you choose. There’s no limit to the number of items you can Droplist. We’ll automatically send you an email if we detect that a store drops the price of your Droplisted item based on the amount you selected.

Note: Keep in mind, Droplist is not available on every site - so, keep an eye out for that h button to save items. Shipping, tax, handling, and any other additional costs are not factored into the price drop.

How to use Droplist

Choose an item you want Honey to watch and go to the product page on the merchant's site. To add an item to your Droplist, click on the  h icon.

Scroll down in the Honey Tips window to click the  Add to Droplist.

If an item has more than one option (size, colors, condition, etc.) you will need to pick which option you'd like. Don't worry - you can pick as many as you'd like to watch! Then just click Save Item and we'll keep an eye on that item for you.

You can then make any adjustments, like the percentage of the price drop you would like to be notified at or adding that item to your Collections within the Honey Tips window while still on that item's product page.

You'll receive an email if we detect the price of one of your items has decreased to the percentage you set the item to. 

You can also add items to your Droplist from the Honey website. While viewing the item’s product page on our website, just click the “ Add to Droplist” button.

Here, you can choose to have Honey track this item across all supported sites, so you’ll get notified when a price drop is detected on any eligible store. To do so, just click the box next to “ Track price at all available stores”. 

The box will appear with a blue checkmark when the item's price is being tracked across all available stores. If you no longer wish to have Honey track the price of that item at multiple stores, simply uncheck the box and you’re all set. 

Adjust your Droplist notifications in your Account Settings under the Notifications tab. Check the box to enable or uncheck the box to disable Droplist notification emails.

You can review all the items on your Droplist to see what you're currently watching, edit items, or create Collections by clicking My Stuff Droplist on the top of the Honey website.

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