Honey on Amazon

Love Amazon? We even have tools that can help you find better ways to buy on Amazon. Put Honey to work with these customized tools:

  • Amazon Price Comparison
  • Price History
  • Droplist

These tools are currently available for all US members on Amazon.com, and Droplist is available for members in Canada on Amazon.ca. Plus, we’re working hard to bring these tools to more of our international users, so stay tuned for updates!

Amazon Price Comparison

In the US, Honey compares sellers on Amazon to see if we can find a seller with a lower price, even if that seller isn’t the first one you see. It’s your price tracking and price history tool all in one. We only compare competing offers for the exact product you're viewing -- same size, color, and features.

We also take into account Prime shipping benefits when looking for the best Amazon deal for an item. We’ll also tell you if you should expect any shipping delays. If we can’t find a better price, we’ll let you know, so you can be confident knowing that we did our homework.

Price History

Honey tracks price changes for items on Amazon for 30, 60, 90, or 120 days.

When you view an item's price history, Honey will show you a detailed page that displays an item's price history on Amazon and any price changes we’ve seen on the site over the last 30, 60, 90, or 120 days.


Not ready to buy yet? Add an item to Droplist, and we’ll alert you if we see that the store drops its price below the amount you choose. Follow the steps below to start:

  1. If you see an item that you want to track on Amazon, look for and click the h icon.
  2. Choose how long you want to track the item and select a minimum discount to trigger price drop alerts. You can also add tags, select colors, sizes, and more to customize your Droplist.
  3. Click Add to Droplist.
  4. You’re all set – just keep an eye out for price drop alerts!

Honey features using Amazon Smile

If you’re shopping on Amazon to benefit a charity through Amazon Smile, all of these features still work.

If you run into any trouble with Honey on Amazon, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Note: Honey is not affiliated with Amazon

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