Following a store

Our Follow Stores feature keeps you informed with real-time updates from all your favorite places to shop. Stores may not always advertise their sales, but we’ll know when they’re having one - and we’ll notify you when they do. It’s just another way we work hard to find you deals. 

We’re always monitoring prices at stores you follow and if we detect a significant amount of price drops across a store you’re following, we’ll let you know via email. Following stores also helps us create a more personalized shopping experience for you with better product recommendations on our app and improved suggestions within the Explore Page on the Honey website. 

You can always unfollow a store at any time. 

How to Follow a Store

From the Browser Extension:

You can easily follow stores when shopping online. When you’re on the store website, simply open the Honey browser extension and click Follow.

You can also follow a store by searching in the Honey browser extension. To search for stores, click the 🔍 and select the store you want to follow. 

To unfollow a store, hover over the Following button and click. 

From the Mobile App:

Type in the name of any store in the search stores bar at the top of the screen. 

After selecting the store name, find the blue Follow button. Just tap Follow and you’ll be all set to receive sale alerts and updates!

To unfollow, tap Following. A prompt will appear at the bottom of the screen. Tap unfollow. 

How to view stores you're following

For the Browser Extension:

To view the stores you are currently following, click My StuffFollowed Stores. There, you can adjust your notifications for this feature, unfollow stores, and check out more stores available to follow.

From the Mobile App:

While on the main page of the mobile app, tap on Trending Stores.

At the top of the next page, scroll to the right until you see Following. There, you'll be able to view stores you're currently following and can choose to unfollow stores. 

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